Self-care while Travelling

As much as we all love a good holiday that lets you get away to relax and recharge, sometimes the travel itself can put a strain on our bodies. Here are a few tips to help you feel your best before, during, and after your next holiday.
Get good rest. Don’t lean into the temptation to stay up all night before a long flight thinking you will just sleep on the plane. Plan your days leading up to departure so that you can get good nights of rest and not feel rushed with last-minute packing and errands.
Move your body. No, you don’t have to go run a marathon the day before you go on holiday. However, moving your body even thirty minutes a day for at least a few days before a flight will help you rest better as suggested above, and will help you be in tune with your natural circadian rhythms. Be sure to also move your
body some shortly before boarding a flight and especially after a flight.
Stretch. Most people tend to feel stiff in their upper legs, hips, and lower back after a long flight. A few simple stretches before, during, and after your flight will help you keep from feeling so stiff. Three simple stretches to consider are:
• Calf Raise: Standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart, gently raise onto your toes and then back down firmly on the ground. Repeat a few times. Another various for a calf stretch is to lean into a wall with your feet remaining firmly planted on the floor and press down through your heels.
• Quad stretch: Then you can do a seated stretch by crossing your left ankle onto your right knee so that it is in the shape of the number four. With hands on your knees, sit straight up and lean slightly forward to stretch your hamstrings. Try to hold the position for about 20-30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat the seated stretch.
• Standing lunge: Start from a standing position with feet about shoulder’s width apart. Take a deep step forward and lean into the step slightly. Bring your foot back to its starting position and repeat with your other leg.
Stay Hydrated. Flying in a pressurised aeroplane cabin at high altitudes commonly affects people with dehydration. Maybe you noticed a dry mouth, chapped lips, and dry hands. Be sure you drink plenty of water during and after your flight.
While it may still be hard to get back into a daily routine after the holiday, using these tips will help reduce the post-holiday blues and jet lag. What is your favourite travel wellness routine?